Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Make it: ribbon wrapped votive candles

Make it: ribbon wrapped votive candles
from the medieval lights episode of Creative Juice

Shed a little light on a candle project that looks small, but makes a big impact.

Glass votive cups
Hot glue or double stick tape
Embellishments: nail studs, charms, rhinestones, chain, etc.

1. Affix a strip of ribbon around a glass votive cup with hot glue or double stick tape. We like to use sheer ribbon and velvet ribbon for this project.

2. If desired, add extra embellishments like nail studs, charms, rhinestones or chain to the ribbon. The teeth of the nail studs can be pressed through the ribbon. Use a pencil eraser or small screwdriver to press the teeth down on the back of the ribbon.


  1. I am totally going to do this. I have multiple votive holders just sitting in a box begging to be transformed!

  2. Cathie, beautiful. You totally inspire me!

  3. These are so pretty. If I use double-sided tape, I can change them out for each holiday.

    Halloween: black & orange
    Thanksgiving: reds, golds and browns
    Christmas: red & green
    New Year's: blue & silver

    Thank you for a really versatile idea!


I love comments and questions. Sometimes it takes me a few days to reply. Have a wonderful day!



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